Morning Earthquake Centered Near Isleton Jolts Bay Area


San Francisco, CA – An earthquake centered near Isleton in Sacramento County shook the San Francisco Bay Area on Wednesday morning, jolting many residents awake.

The magnitude 4.1 quake struck at approximately 9:30 AM and was felt throughout the region. For many, their phones were the first indication of the seismic activity. Alerts and shaking apps notified users of the earthquake in real-time.


According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), over 1,000 people have reported feeling shaking related to the morning quake. The reports came in through the USGS “Did You Feel It?” system which allows citizens to self-report earthquake effects.

“It felt like a quick jolt, almost like something had hit the house,” said San Francisco resident Chris Jones. “My phone started buzzing with the earthquake warning and that’s when I realized it was seismic activity.”

While small, the Isleton earthquake serves as an important reminder to have emergency plans and supplies ready. The Bay Area sits along the famous San Andreas Fault and larger, more damaging earthquakes are a constant threat.

Seismologists say Wednesday’s quake originated on a fault line in the Delta region. The shaking serves as a wakeup call to reinforce preparedness efforts before the next big earthquake hits.

“Don’t become complacent because this was a minor event,” said USGS geophysicist Mark Houston. “The Bay Area is earthquake country. Make sure you’re ready.”

Officials say there have been no reports of injuries or major damage related to the morning quake. But many will be keeping an extra close eye on their phones today in case of potential aftershocks.


This is the second noticeable shaker of the week for Northern California. On Monday, a magnitude 4.8 earthquake hit Humboldt County. It was followed by a series of smaller aftershocks. Wednesday’s quake is also just one day after the 34th anniversary of the the Loma Prieta earthquake on Oct. 17, 1989. Coincidentally, Thursday is the U.S. Geological Survey’s “great shakeout,” a yearly earthquake preparedness drill that the USGS encourages communities and families to partake in.


As a content writer for US Insight News, David writes articles on politics, business, technology, and other topics. He conducts research to develop story ideas and sources. David then crafts the articles in a compelling, objective voice on tight deadlines.

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