Exploring the Void: Where Are the Thanksgiving Movies

Exploring the Void: Where Are the Thanksgiving Movies

Why aren’t there as many Thanksgiving movies as Christmas movies?

  • Christmas-themed movies outnumber Thanksgiving films 4 to 1
  • Yuletide films have made more than $3.5 billion at the box office, while Thanksgiving movies made only $450 million
  • Christmas movies have themes that resonate with a wider audience, while Thanksgiving is more U.S.-centric
  • Thanksgiving is often portrayed with humor in TV shows and movies, but it doesn’t have the same appeal for big screen productions

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Why Thanksgiving Movies Lag Behind Christmas Films

Christmas movies dominate the holiday film landscape, with a wide array of classics and new releases capturing the spirit of the season. However, when it comes to Thanksgiving, the cinematic offerings are much more limited. This stark difference raises the question: why aren’t there as many Thanksgiving movies as Christmas movies?

The Appeal of Christmas Themes

Since the Golden Age of Hollywood, Christmas movies have resonated with audiences worldwide due to their themes of community, faith, and family. These universal themes appeal to a broad audience and have contributed to the success of Christmas films at the box office.

The U.S.-Centric Nature of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is often portrayed with humor in TV shows and movies, but it is more U.S.-centric and lacks the universal appeal of Christmas themes. The holiday is associated with family dysfunction, holiday travel chaos, and dinner table conflicts, which may not translate as well to the big screen.

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